What are the Differences Between Manager and Leader?

What are the Differences Between Manager and Leader?

The differences between a manager and a leader can be expressed as follows;

A leader is an idea man and follows innovations. The manager is an administrator, he does not come out of the taboos.

A leader loves original ideas and goes after things that are new. The man who manages loves routine and hates going out.

A leader is a person who develops and develops. The manager is there for the continuation of the system.

The leader focuses on people and their situations. The manager focuses on the system.

A leader individual pursues long-term goals. The executive individual, on the other hand, wants success in the short and medium term.

Leaders are inquisitive and do not like to accept immediately. They are often opposed and critical of the situation. The manager is also someone who accepts the current situation exactly.

A leader thinks about everyone's well-being. But the manager does not accept ideas without rules.

Is a Good Manager a Good Leader?

A good manager only ensures that the wheels move smoothly within the system. In this respect, he is definitely considered a very good employee. But he is not a good leader. A leader is one who pursues innovation, seeks, inquires and questions. It goes beyond the scopes and general acceptances. Therefore, someone who wants to be a leader should ignore some situations brought by the management.

Does the Manager Accept the Status Quo?

Managers accept the status quo. Leaders behave a little differently in this situation. They are strictly anti-status quo and defiant. From this point of view, a leader is definitely a person who seeks adventure and does not accept what is given. But the ruler is perhaps the status quo itself. He can never refuse.

Is Every Leader a Manager or Is Every Manager a Leader?

Leader and manager have different dispositions from each other. It is quite wrong to count every leader as a manager or to count every manager as a leader. The two are separated from each other. It is very difficult for a good manager to be a good leader at the same time. Because the manager does not oppose the rules and completely obeys the rules, while the leader questions the rules and avoids applying them exactly. Therefore, a leader is not a manager, and a manager is not a leader.

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