What Are the Types of Leadership? 8 Types of Leadership

What Are the Types of Leadership? 8 Types of Leadership

Leadership Styles

There are 8 types of leadership in the world. We took a brief look at these types and described them all for you. Leadership types are as follows;

ethical leadership

Instructional leadership

Transformational leadership

Distributive leadership

charismatic leadership

visionary leadership

cultural leadership

servant leadership

Leadership Types

1. Ethical Leadership:

It is known by everyone that all people living in the society should behave in accordance with ethical principles. However, this is not considered possible because it is difficult for people to change their behavior. In this respect, concepts such as respect for all members of society, different cultures, ideas and differences are included. In short, they examine the purpose and vision of the organization according to an ethical understanding.

2. Instructional Leadership:

Within the scope of this leadership, it is the type of leadership used to ensure that the school accepted as an organization is suitable for its purposes and that the expected behaviors are exhibited in the school. In short, the leader of instruction is the principal. The school principal acts to help the school achieve its goals.

3. Transformational Leadership:

It includes a long-term perspective. These leaders enable the emergence of talents and the motivation of individuals in order to achieve the goals that are likely to be realized in the long term.

4. Distributive Leadership:

In order for a change to occur, someone must be at the head of the organization. Since they do not think that one person will manage the organization, they emphasize the need for individual leadership. Here, it is seen that the person who does many different jobs is a leader. This reveals a collective leadership understanding.

5.Charismatic Leadership:

They emerge in the face of the negative conditions of the countries. They act to ensure that under-organized societies become one. They are seen as a savior or hero.

6. Visionary Leader:

He is known as a leader who can influence people collectively and can mobilize them. It includes believing in the love and power of the leader on the way to the future.

7. Cultural Leader:

The organization ensures that its employees work in a suitable cultural environment. It ensures that every organization has at least some cultural influence.

8. Servant Leader:

It is based on the philosophy of "people first" and "service-oriented work", as well as other leadership understandings. It is very important here to do the work for the nation or the people.

What Are the Modern Leadership Types?

Modern leadership types; ethical leadership, instructional leadership, transformational leadership, distributive leadership, charismatic leadership, visionary leadership, cultural leadership, servant leadership. Since leadership is also a difficult concept to define, on the other hand, it is defined from different perspectives. In fact, the definition of a leader may even vary from person to person.

In terms of leadership types, it is actually defined as filling a deficiency in terms of addressing different people in different situations. As there are many definitions of leadership, there are also many definitions of its types. In this context, it is necessary to examine the leadership types mentioned above.

What is Leadership?

What Are the Traditional Types of Leadership?

Traditional leadership types; It is known as autocratic leader, democratic leader or fully liberal leader. These concepts are quite different and advanced concepts in themselves. Extensive research needs to be done.

What are the Position Based Types of Leadership Power?

Leadership types of servings of the day ; reward power, coercive power, legal power, expert power and charismatic power. These types of power are considered very important for a leader to show his influence.

Reward power; They act to ensure that individuals reach the rewards they want on behalf of their values. It is known as rewarding under the supervision of the leader.

coercive power; As opposed to the power of reward, punishment is an essential power.

legal force; It is known as the power arising from the legal rights that the leader receives within the organization.

Expert power; It is about how familiar the leader is with his job and how much he knows his job. He argues that there should be a side that requires expertise.

Charismatic power describes the effect of the leader's personality on the power of influencing people.

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